well my story mite not be quite as romatic as others but its my story none the less.first off im marrying my highschool sweatheart.we lost each other for almost ten years until one day she found me.ab
The Family had planned a saturday to spend together (both sides his and hers) that was normal to me we always do things together! well ryan told me that he got called into work that morning!
I went to my fiance's house and he asked me if I was ready to go. I didnt know that we had plans to go any where, but he blind folded me and we drove for about 15- 20 minutes.
It started on 9/12/2009 at 7:30am, as I got into my truck to go to work, there was a single stem rose with a ring box,wrapped, on my seat. My heart was beating like you wouldnt believe.
There is an older couple who live a couple miles up the road from me and my family. We met them a couple years back, and have continued to visit them regularly.