Sunrise Surprise

Ever year Brad (my fiance) and I take a boat ride on Lake Huron, MI at sunrise. So this year when he suggested we go for a sunrise cruise before we moved I thought sure, no big deal. I stayed at his parents house the night before so I could wake up early. Brad woke me up at 5:00am June 24, 2009. I am not a morning person, so of course I was grumpy, cranky, and just wanted to sleep. Brad is a morning person, so of course he carried me out of bed and took me to the kitchen to get my shoes. He proceeded to tell me I needed to take a car uptown to get some donuts for the boat. I was irritated at the fact I was even up, let alone go get donuts!
I met Brad at the Marina and he had the boat ready to go. We started heading out of the harbor and the water was perfect - looked like a sheet of glass and it was going to be a gorgeous day. Brad said, "Let's stop at the lighthouse and watching the sunrise there before going out to chase freighters." I thought again, no big deal, we have done this before. We docked the boat at the lighthouse and Brad said he had the key to the lighthouse so we could go up top. (This was unusual.) We got to the second deck of the lighthouse and there was a blanket, chairs, and breakfast already there. The sun began to rise and Brad wanted to go to the top deck to watch it come up. He had a camera (again unusual) and said, "Let me get a picture of you." I was like,"No way, I look like crap!" He said, "Fine, Ill get one of you looking into the sun from behind." I was like whatever and he said, "Ok, got it!" I turned around and he was on one knee with a ring in hand and I lost it! He asked me to marry him at 5:59am and it was perfect.
We spent the entire day on the lake and both our families came out on the lake to celebrate. I couldn't have asked for a better proposal or a more perfect mate!!!! We will be getting married August 28, 2010~