My Dream Proposal

I'm not engaged yet, but I know it's around the corner from a hint I got from a youtube video :):). Our story is very unique and special and God continues to write it and blow my mind with how He's orchstrating the events.
I've waited 12 years to experience what I'm experiencing now, so I want my upcoming proposal to be romantic, special and just the two of us, because I want to call my family and friends afterwards. I have had dreams of getting proposed to, which weren't that romantic but at least dreaming about it indicates that it's right around the corner and this was way before I saw the youtube video!!
Now on to elements I would like in my dream proposal, an original song and a horse and carriage ride. I would like to go to the spot where we met for the first time (The horse and carriage would take us there). Once there, he would have a blanket on the grass, with food and sparkling cider, also there would be his guitar. We would then get out the carriage and walk towards the blanket. We would sit down and he would proceed to play a song he wrote for me. After the song he would proceed to tell me that he loved me and that he loved me ever since he first laid eyes on me and that he wanted the spend the rest of his life with me, will I marry him?. I would cry and say "YES" a million times over...:) :) :) <3. And he will proceed to put a ring like the one pictured above on my finger..:) :) :) Then I would call all my family and friends!! This would be an ideal proposal for me!! Will see what happens and how it plays out when it really does happen...:) :) :) <3