Florida Red Sox Nation Proposal

We don’t have a video, but do have plenty of pictures. On March 2, I proposed to one of the biggest Red Sox fans there is. Living in Fort Myers, Florida I had to figure out a way to get them involved. I contacted the Boston Red Sox spring training facility and spoke with a great intern who was willing to help. First she told me the game that we had tickets to, already had two proposals that day. Not to be out done I asked if there was a way to get one of the players involved. I made a donation to the Red Sox Jimmy Fund, and was able to develop the following plan: First was to get on the field for VIP batting practice. Second was to have one of the players come out with a ball that read, "Julie True will you Marry Me?” Coming up with a story that the intern was a student of mine at Florida Gulf Coast University, she got us on the field. I went to the field the day before to drop off a photo of my future bride and the ball. That night I spent hours cutting another ball in half, coring it, and lining it with red silk. I even added a little hinge on it. Game day came and we made our way onto the field to watch batting practice. The Red Sox cleared the field and I thought they had forgotten. Then out of the dugout comes Dustin Pedroia, "Rookie of the Year," yelling "Julie, Julie, I have a ball for you!" He handed her the ball, while I was behind her on one knee. She read the ball, turned and said, "Dustin Pedroia just proposed to me!" That is when I pulled the other ball out of my pocket, popped it open and asked, “Julie True, in front of Red Sox Nation, will you marry me?” She said yes as emotion over came her. The load speaker announced, "The Red Sox would like to congratulate Tony and Julie on their engagement." The rest of the day everyone in the park new us as "the couple." We were married in December and are still living happily ever after in Red Sox Nation of Florida.