Christmas Eve

On Christmas Eve I woke to find my boyfriend brandon was gone. I took this opportunity to put a ring I bought him for christmas in his stocking. About twenty minutes later he came running in the door and told me to get dressed, that the day was beautiful outside and that my christmas present couldnt wait until tomorrow. So I of course did what I was told and my heart was raising so fast I couldn't keep up. About an hour later we got in his truck and we arrived at the inner harbor in baltimore, md. He told me that my present was a date to the inner harbor which I had on a list of things I want to do before I die. So right there the day started good. We walked around the piers, took random pictures and finally stopped and had dinner at Hard Rock Cafe'. After dinner we went next door to Barnes and Nobles and he let me pick out any book I wanted because I'm a huge reader. The sun was close to setting and he told me he didn't want me to get sick because of the wind off the water so we headed back to the truck that was parked at the top of federal hill( which is a hill/park at the inner harbor that overlooks the inner harbor and is beautiful). We arrived at the car and just as I was about to get in he stopped me. He said there was something he wanted to show me first. We walked to the very top of federal hill and it was beautiful all the lights and people could see us as we could see them. You could hear birds and ship horns as they were coming in the docks and the sun was setting so the darkening sky shown on the bay. And he told me that he brought me up here so everyone could see me and how beautiful I was and everyone could see how he was the luckiest man alive and everyone could see him ask me to marry him. Right as he did this a jogger ran by and said merry christmas which was funny but it was so romantic and perfect. Then we danced in the park until the sun had set then went home and well. . . . celebrated!