Airplane Proposal

My fiancé and I, Adam have been together for the past 4 years. We have known from the beginning that we wanted to share our lives together, but the timing was never as perfect as it was the day of our proposal. Our anniversary had come and gone and one week later, Adam asked if I wanted to go to Galveston. My parents own a small plane so we were planning on flying from Houston to Galveston with them. That Sunday, the skies were gray and there was nothing but rain. Little did I know, ALL of our closest friends were already in Galveston waiting our arrival. 5 hours later, the rained stopped and we were on our way. As the plane started to decent over Galveston Bay, I could see a large group of people waving their arms at us. As the plane got lower, I saw "Marry Me?" In Hot PINK! I was beyond shocked and couldn't say anything but cry! When I looked up, Adam had the ring in his hand. I then looked up at the dash and there was a hidden camera! Not only did he pull off the most amazing proposal, but he video tapped