Asking Dad: A Romantic Gesture or Chauvinistic Gaff?

Asking Dad: A Romantic Gesture or Chauvinistic Gaff? admin Sat, 01/15/2011 - 21:31

Should You Ask Your Girlfriend's Father?

Should You Ask Your Girlfriend's Father? admin Sat, 01/15/2011 - 21:02

Your Girlfriend: Will She Appreciate It?

Your Girlfriend: Will She Appreciate It? admin Sat, 01/15/2011 - 21:04

A quick survey of any group of women will give you a huge variety of opinions on this issue. Generally women with traditional values who are close to their parents will be happy if their boyfriends talk to their dads before proposing, whereas staunchly independent women will be furious that their family knew about the engagement before them.

Sadly it’s not always this clear cut, and it can be hard to know what your girlfriend thinks, so here are three tips on discovering her views:

  • Bring up the subject in a way that doesn’t relate to you. Either mention a friend who can’t decide whether to ask the father or not and seek her advice, or rent a movie where the father is asked for permission, and say what you think about it; you’re sure to get a reaction.
  • If you’re close to one of your girlfriend’s mates and you trust her not to blab, ask her whether she thinks it’s a good idea. This is the sort if things girls talk about so if she doesn’t already know she can probably find out more subtly than you can.
  • Think about her relationship with her father. If they are a close knit family and she talks to her father often on the phone, asking his permission is probably a good idea. If her parents are divorced, she hardly sees her father, and she has a step mother she can’t stand, it’s probably best to skip right to the proposal.

Her Father: Will He Be Comfortable With It?

Her Father: Will He Be Comfortable With It? admin Sat, 01/15/2011 - 21:07

You might be surprised to discover that the engagement conversation can be just as nerve racking and uncomfortable for the father-of-the-bride as for the would-be groom. In the past a father’s role as protector and provider for his daughter was well established, but in modern society, where women seek independence from an early age, it can be difficult for fathers to know how to behave in this situation.

Here are some things to consider about your girlfriends father:

  • Are his values traditional or modern? If he is still very much the head of the household then it is a good idea to ask his permission. If he’s a modern man that does most of the housework while his wife pursues her high flying career, asking permission may not be so necessary, and if you do his response may be “you’ll have to ask her”.
  • Does he treat you formally? If your girlfriend’s father still insists on you calling him Mr. Roberts, and you aren’t allowed to so much as hold hands with her in his presence, you should definitely ask for his permission. If he’s already given you a big hug and asked you to call him Dad the conversation may not be necessary, but he would probably like it if you asked anyway.
  • Did he ask his wife’s father? So this might not be the easiest thing for you to find out without alerting your girlfriend suspicions that a proposal is on the way, but you could always take your girlfriend’s mother into your confidence and ask her. Mums are generally so excited about the idea of being the mother-of-the-bride they’ll be willing to tell you anything.
  • Is he able to contribute to the wedding? Just because your girlfriend’s dad isn’t able to pay for the wedding it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t ask his permission, you just have to be careful how you do it. By seeking their permission, many fathers might assume you are asking them to pay for the big day, so if you suspect your father-in-law can’t contribute, make sure you already know how you are going to finance the wedding before you talk to him.

You: Why Are You Considering Asking?

You: Why Are You Considering Asking? admin Sat, 01/15/2011 - 21:11

Before you decide whether or not to talk to your future father-in-law about the engagement, it’s a good idea to ask yourself why you are doing it. Here are two great reasons to ask the father, and two reasons to think twice about it:

You should ask if:

  • You want to show your respect and earn his in return. Assuming the wedding goes ahead, it will be vital that you have a good relationship with your father-in-law. Misunderstandings, underlying tensions, and family feuds will take their toll on any marriage, and plucking up the courage to ask your father-in-law for permission to marry his daughter should get your relationship off to a good start.
  • You want to do things properly for your girlfriend and ensure that the proposal, the engagement and the wedding is a special time for her that goes without a hitch.

You shouldn’t ask if:

  • You just feel you have to. It will be obvious to the father-of-the-bride if your heart’s not in the question and you aren’t sincere in wanting his support for the engagement. If you’re only asking for the sake of it then everybody will be better off if you don’t bother.
  • You know he will say yes. There are never any guarantees that your girlfriend’s father will agree to your engagement. You may have totally misread his take on your relationship, or he may not have realized you were so serious about his daughter. Appearing over cocky and self assured is likely to annoy any prospective father-in-law, so always bear in mind that he could say no.

Tips On Asking Your Father-in-Law's Permission

Tips On Asking Your Father-in-Law's Permission admin Sat, 01/15/2011 - 21:21

If you do decide to take the plunge and ask your girlfriend’s father before you propose, make sure you are well prepared. Some grooms say they find asking the father for permission even harder than asking the bride to marry them. Here are some tips on getting it just right.

Try To Meet Face to Face.

Setting up a meeting with just the two of you is ideal because you can be sure your girlfriend won’t suddenly appear, you will have her father’s undivided attention, and he will know you’re serious in your proposal. Most fathers will get an inkling of what is about to happen if you suggest meeting up so at least they’ll be prepared.

Take Him Out For a Coffee or Lunch.

Visiting him at home may make you feel uncomfortable, whereas in a cafe or restaurant you are on equal terms. Make sure you at least offer to pay, it will give the impression that you are able to support his daughter, but be gracious if he offers to pay as a gesture of his support for the engagement.

Explain How You Feel About His Daughter

Before you jump in and ask for his permission, you should take time to explain that his daughter is the most important thing in your world and that you plan to take care of her. Let him know that you have thought through the engagement and have plans for the future. Be ready to answer questions about your plans and finances.

Ask The Question Clearly

Don’t assume that your girlfriend’s father will know exactly what to say. Give him a clear question to answer. State that you would like to ask his daughter to marry you, and then ask if he will give his blessing. Think carefully about the word you will use. Consent, permission, blessing, and support are all possibilities with slightly different meanings.

Which Father Should You Ask?

Which Father Should You Ask? admin Sat, 01/15/2011 - 21:24

There is one further complication you may have to consider if your girlfriend has a biological father and a stepfather. Which one do you ask?

The answer to this question depends on individual circumstances, but generally you should ask the father that has played the biggest role in her upbringing, and the one she is closest to.

If her parents divorced when she was very small and she has lived with a step father for most of her life, he is the obvious choice, especially if she is closer to him than her biological father. However, if she has an equally good relationship with both fathers, the biological father usually takes precedence.

Think About Everyone Involved Before You Ask

Think About Everyone Involved Before You Ask admin Sat, 01/15/2011 - 21:25

While asking the father-of-the-bride is no longer a necessity, it is an enduring tradition that shows your respect for her family and heritage, and it can be a great way to break the ice between you and your future father-in-law.

Before you go ahead and ask, make sure you have considered the views and feelings of everyone involved, your girlfriend, her father, yourself, and possibly even a stepfather. Asking for her parents’ blessing is a charming gesture, but if it will upset more people than it will please it may be one tradition you have to do without.

Modern Alternatives To Asking Her Father's Permission

Modern Alternatives To Asking Her Father's Permission admin Sat, 01/15/2011 - 21:13

If, like many modern groom’s, you feel that a man to man conversation to determine the future of your girlfriend is a little chauvinistic, there are some other ways you can give a nod at tradition and still show your respect for her family. Here are three possible options:

Ask For Father’s Blessing

Rather than asking for permission from your future father-in-law, you could ask for his blessing instead. Although the difference is quite subtle it does change your approach. Instead of asking if you are allowed to propose to his daughter, you are simply telling him that you plan to propose and asking him to support your engagement.

Ask Both Parents Together

In modern society, the bride’s mother may feel that she should have as much say in her daughter’s future as the father. Arranging to speak to both parents together and asking them both about the engagement takes the pressure off the father and acknowledges the mother’s role too.

Ask Your Girlfriend First

Instead of approaching your girlfriend’s father before the proposal to ask for permission, you could ask your girlfriend to marry you first, and then before you make the engagement public or start wearing rings you could visit both sets of parents together and ask for their blessing. Visit the bride’s parents first to maintain some tradition.